Gamer and Twitch Streamer

Empempires loves to playing  games but understands real life must always come first ,

He currently shares his gaming experience on twitch ( )

His  Twitch Streaming schedule can be found here (Empempires's Schedule - Twitch )

Minetest Sunday

The two hour  long stream on most Sundays sees Empempires building a mansion and collecting players bone boxes on the yourllands Minetest server , (minetest is very similar to minecraft in many ways , a block building open source project , with lots of monsters , and building blocks

 Minecraft Monday (a developing concept and the name isn't great )

An one hour Stream ,most Mondays aimed at the more Anxious Viewer , who doesn't like to have there named called out , so find a comfortable  sit and watch Empempires play minecraft  ,Empempires only started playing Minecrart in January 2023 . so watch him play and learn at the same time ,


On this stream Empempires narrates the game play and happy to answer questions and consider suggestions in the twitch chat 

No call outs

No requests to follow , subscribe or Donate

NO bad language , cursing or swearing will be tolerated in the chat

Occasionally Empempires also uploads to his YOutube channel click here to see the content

and very occasionally to tiktok (


Last updated 05 February 2023

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